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我们本周的新模特是 Arina。她是一位平面设计师,她的头脑和她的美貌一样多。对她来说,生活就是视觉美学——服装、食物、艺术——但她最喜欢的形式是女性。 与 Arina 的对话从比例和质地的精细方面到优秀设计中固有的精神释放因素。因此,走进 Hegre 照片是她的第二天性。她参与女性优雅的描绘是完全有道理的。 Arina 的智慧伴随着近乎哥特式的性感。她深棕色的杏仁状眼睛有一种梦幻般的崇高气质。她的头发浓密而长地垂在背后。她拥有修长的四肢和丰满的乳房以及诱人的大乳头。
Our new model this week is Arina. She’s a graphic designer who has as much brains as she has beauty. For her, life is all about visual aesthetics – clothing, food, art – but her favourite form is the female.
A conversation with Arina runs from the finer aspects of proportion and texture to the spirit-freeing factors inherent in good design. So stepping into a Hegre photo is second nature for her. It makes perfect sense that she would take part in a depiction of feminine grace.
Arina’s smarts are accompanied by an almost gothic sexiness. Her dark brown, almond-shaped eyes have a dreamy, sublime quality. Her hair hangs rich and long down her back. And she is graced with long limbs and sumptuous breasts with large, tempting nipples.
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