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她可能对生活有一种悠闲的加勒比态度。但这并不意味着她缺乏野心。这是一个想要产生影响的女孩。她想让世界看到她,了解她。 她天生就有斗志。尽管她在世界上最贫穷的国家之一海地长大,但她希望自己的生活过得更好。她在很小的时候就成了孤儿,后来搬到了邻国多米尼加共和国,在那里她一直住在孤儿院直到 16 岁。 这是人生的一个开始,会削弱大多数人的抱负。不是琪琪。年仅 19 岁的她就立志成为一名时装模特。但很快就发现,胸大的矮个子女孩并不受欢迎。 于是她把自己的命运掌握在自己手中,联系了黑格网。就这样开始了她的裸体模特生涯,Petter Hegre 前往多米尼加共和国拍摄她。 你还在等什么?她十分火辣。她有足够的态度。而且她有巨大的……呃,野心。
She might have a laid back Caribbean attitude to life. But that doesn’t mean she lacks ambition. This is a girl that wants to make an impact. She wants the world to see her and to know her.
She was born with a fighting spirit. Despite growing up in Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world, she wanted something better for her life. Orphaned at a young age, she was moved to neighbouring Dominican Republic, where she lived in orphanages until she was 16.
That’s a start in life that would cripple most people’s ambitions. Not Kiky. Still only 19-years-old, she set out to make it as a fashion model. But soon learned that short girls with big breasts are not in demand.
So she took her destiny into her own hands and contacted Hegre.com. And so began her nude modelling career, with Petter Hegre travelling to the Dominican Republic to shoot her.
So what are you waiting for? She’s hot. She’s got attitude to spare. And she’s got huge…err, ambitions.
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