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ギリシャ出身のわずか 19 歳のクロエは芸術が大好きです。鮮やかな想像力で、彼女は性的な文学を読むことから大きな喜びを得ます。彼女の心は、どんなイメージよりも多くの感情と興奮を体に生み出すことができると彼女は言います.
Aphrodite was said to be beautiful beyond words. And that she could use the power of her sexuality to change lives. Well, meet our very own modern day goddess; she’s a picture of beauty and sensuality.
Just 19 years old and from Greece, Kloe loves the arts – the more provocative the better. With a vivid imagination she gets great pleasure from reading erotic literature. She says her mind can create more feeling and excitement in her body than any image can.
Kloe spends her time visiting museums and galleries. But she’s not just a viewer of art; she’s also the subject of art. Kloe often poses nude for life drawing and other arts classes; her stunning curves are perfect for artistic expression. And she secretly loves a room full of strangers studying her naked body.
She believes the human body is a work of art and the ultimate monument to beauty and sensuality. Aphrodite would have been proud!