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让我们向Lulu深深鞠躬。她是我们的日本模特之一,也是我们最娇小的模特。 露露看起来很脆弱——只有 150 厘米。身高 39 公斤,但她已经准备好迎接裸体模特的新冒险。 有很多关于她的传统日本方式。她以猫的优雅缓慢移动。 她非常有礼貌,非常得体而且有点梦幻 - 直到她出现在镜头前时,另一个女孩接手了。 然后我们看到隐藏在朴素外表背后的酝酿欲望,这一切都是行动 - 直到她可以回到她心爱的任天堂游戏。
Let's all give a deep bow to Lulu. She's one of our Japanese models and our most petite one.
Lulu looks so fragile – only 150 cm. tall and weighing in at 39 kilos – but she's up for her new adventures in nude modelling.
There's lots about her which is in the traditional Japanese manner. She moves with the slow grace of a cat.
She's very polite, very proper and a bit dreamy – until she gets in front of the camera when a different girl takes over.
Then we see the simmering desire that hides behind the prim facade and it's all action – until she can get back to her beloved Nintendo games.
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