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HEGRE 的第 1008 部电影将我们带到了黑海和乌克兰历史名城敖德萨。以及 Hegre 模型 TETI 的家。 像 PIE 一样甜蜜,像希腊女神一样华丽,TETI 邀请您加入她,在敖德萨度过完美的一天。她将带您以内部人士的视角了解这座非凡城市最具标志性的地点以及景点和声音。夕阳西下时,她会带您前往附近私密的海滩,捕捉夏日最后的神奇时刻。 但最重要的是,这部电影向世界展示了敖德萨人民的勇敢抵抗。普京选择了错误的国家来惹恼...
HEGRE’s 1008th movie takes us to the Black Sea and the historical city of Odesa in Ukraine. And the home of Hegre model TETI.
AS SWEET AS PIE and as gorgeous as a Greek goddess can be, TETI invites you to join her on a perfect day in Odesa. She’ll give you an insider’s view of the most iconic locations and the sights and sounds of this remarkable city. And as the sun sets, she’ll take you to an intimate beach nearby, to catch the last magic moments of summer.
But above all, this film shows the world the brave resistance of the people of Odesa. And that Putin picked the wrong country to mess with...
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