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蜡烛在床上闪烁,召唤出幸福的魔法精灵。她古老而黑暗的舌头从火焰中升起,闪烁着进入暴露的愉悦区域。两个完美的、被选中的天使激发了爱神的降临和嬉戏。哦,他们是怎么做的。 性是一种炼金术。你暴露元素,引出力量,混合重要的种子。然后,在青春的摇篮里,发现了相互唤醒的快乐。崇拜导致仪式导致狂喜。这导致未知和未被发现的精神照明力量。 这就是你梦寐以求的后宫。 Ariel 和 Melena-Maria 在这里带你回到历史上一个更真实、更原始、更肉欲的时代。两个完美的身体,幸福地跳动着,用闪闪发光的金色包裹自己,向众神献祭。愿你充满他们的感官祝福。
The candles flicker about the bed, conjuring the magic genii of bliss. Her ancient, dark tongue rises from the flames and flickers into exposed regions of delight. Two perfect, chosen angels inspire the gods of love to descend and frolic. And O how they do.
Sex is a kind of alchemy. You expose the elements, elicit the forces, and mix the vital seeds. Then, in the cradle of youth, the joys of mutual arousal are discovered. Worship leads to ritual leads to ecstasy. Which leads to unknown and undiscovered powers of spiritual illumination.
This is the harem in your dreams. Ariel and Melena-Maria are here to take you back, way back, to a truer, more original, more carnal time in history. A time when two perfect bodies, pulsing with bliss, cover themselves in glistening gold and make an offering to the gods. May you abound in their sensual blessings.
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