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前往一个热带岛屿。在沙滩上度过无忧无虑的一天。只是美丽。那是柯西。 环境充满异国情调。金色的头发和乳白色的皮肤与糖沙滩相得益彰,她非常适合这个热带天堂。蓝色的海水性感地拍打着她的大腿。他们的刺激让她想分散注意力。 秋千解放了她爱玩的天性。然后是时候回到她简陋的小木屋,用梦想来驱散在她心中激起的欲望。
Travel to a tropical island. Have a carefree day on the beach. Just be beautiful. That’s Coxy.
The setting is exotic. With blonde hair and milky skin to match the sugar sand beach she fits perfectly in this tropical paradise. The blue waters lap sensuously around her thighs. Their stimulation sends her seeking some distraction.
The swing liberates her fun-loving nature. Then it is time to retreat to her simple cabin to dream away the desires that have stirred in her.
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