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Sali 和 Quin 在制作了他们的第一部自制色情电影后火了起来,迫不及待地想拍一部新电影: “由于我们的工作原因,我们都经常住在酒店,而且我们都喜欢新环境中的特殊性能量,所以我们决定在这个美丽的酒店房间里拍我们的第二部电影。有温馨的床和优雅的亭子,它似乎是完美的地方!” 跟随 Sali 和 Quin 的性爱之旅,敬请期待更多色情冒险!
Sali and Quin caught fire after making their first homemade erotic film, and could hardly wait for the chance to make a new one:
“As we both often stay in hotels due to our jobs and because we love the special sexual energy in new surroundings, we decided to make our second movie in this beautiful hotel room. With its inviting bed and elegant pavilion, it appeared to be the perfect place for it!”
Follow Sali and Quin on their sexual odyssey and stay tuned for more erotic adventures!
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