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1 日あたり $0.21 未満です!
Hegre.com の会員料金
1 日あたり $0.21 未満です!
Jessa は、7,500 以上の島々からなる群島であるフィリピンに住んでいます。彼女の人生、そして彼女の国の人生は、彼らを取り巻く美しく、暖かく、きらめく海によって定義されています。
Jessa とビーチで裸の一日を過ごしましょう。カメラがズームインして彼女のきらめく秘密をすべてキャッチするので、彼女はあなたに見せることがたくさんあります.最終的には、海のように自由な彼女のありのままを見ることができます。
Jessa lives in the Philippines, an archipelago made up of over 7,500 islands. Her life, and the life of her nation, is defined by the beautiful, warm, sparkling ocean that surrounds them.
It has made her the lovely beach creature that she is. And you can see it as she walks along the sand, poses on a downed tree, dribbles off her suit. She belongs here as much as the porpoises and the pelicans.
Come spend a naked day at the beach with Jessa. She has so much to show you, as the camera zooms in tight to catch her every shimmering secret. In the end, you will see her as she truly is – as free as the sea.