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可以肯定地说,Mirta 有点爱吃甜食。 也许这是一种轻描淡写的说法,因为 Mirta 似乎很享受她的甜食,而不是嘴唇上的味道。懒洋洋地躺在夏日的阳光下,Mirta 忍不住让甜美多汁的冰滴落在她赤裸的身体上;她匀称的乳房、完美的腹部、柔软的乳头……无处不在。 观看 Mirta 充分享受炎热的夏天,因为温度上升到图表之外!
It’s safe to say that Mirta has a bit of a sweet tooth.
Perhaps that is an understatement as Mirta seems to enjoy her sweets beyond the taste on her lips. Lounging in the summer sun, Mirta can’t help but let the sweet succulent ice drip all over her naked body; her shapely breasts, perfect stomach, tender nipples…everywhere.
Watch Mirta make the most of a sizzling hot summer as the temperature rises off the charts!
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