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对于那些认为当模特很有趣和游戏的人来说,是时候接到第一个叫醒电话了。 就像她是真正的暴露狂一样,Simona 非常友好地让 Petter Hegre 有机会拍摄独家巴西蜡像会议。但是,我们必须警告您;这段视频不适合胆小的人。永远不要说西蒙娜不愿意为她的艺术受苦。 如果您曾经想知道巴西蜡的幕后发生了什么,现在您有机会一探究竟!
For those of you who think being a model is all fun and games, it’s about time you got your first wake up call.
Like the true exhibitionist she is, Simona was kind enough to allow Petter Hegre the opportunity to film an exclusive Brazilian Wax session. We must warn you however; this video is not for the faint of heart. Let it never be said that Simona isn’t willing to suffer for her art.
If you’ve ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of a Brazilian wax now is your chance to find out!
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