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和许多女孩一样,Stella 只喜欢精致的内衣和女性化的配饰。对我们来说幸运的是,Petter Hegre 的相机捕捉到了 Stella 享受性感装扮的画面。 所以请坐下来欣赏这个节目,因为华丽的斯特拉喜欢穿上穿出她最喜欢的内衣。 感性和色情的斯特拉知道如何随着音乐跳舞时挑逗。一次慢慢地脱掉一件衣服,直到我们看到她完美的裸体之美…… 这就像在时装秀后台的墙上做一只苍蝇 - 但更热!
Like many girls Stella just loves fine lingerie and feminine accessories. Fortunately for us Petter Hegre’s camera caught Stella enjoying a sexy dressing-up session.
So sit back and enjoy this show as the gorgeous Stella enjoys slipping in and out of some her favorite lingerie.
Sensual and erotic Stella knows how to tease as she dances to the music. Slowly peeling off one piece of clothing at a time until we are left with her perfect naked beauty in all its glory…
It’s like being a fly on the wall backstage at a fashion show - but so much hotter!
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