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瓦莱丽登记入住。然后她检查自己。 她喜欢审视自己。一切都像它应该的那样华丽吗?她会确保它会是。她的每一个小褶皱和折痕都充满了泡沫。她的手指将气泡推入值得持续关注的秘密位置。可以肯定的是,她又对自己做了一次。直到所有地方都被完全擦拭和浸湿,她才会停下来。 然后——也只有那时——Valerie 才会满意。
Valerie checks in. Then she checks herself out.
She enjoys looking herself over. Is everything as gorgeous as it should be? She’s going to make sure that it will be. Every little fold and crease of her is lathered. Her fingers work the bubbles into the secret places that deserve lingering attention. Just to be sure, she does it to herself again. She doesn’t stop until everywhere has been totally rubbed and soaked.
Then – and only then - will Valerie be satisfied.
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