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Dominika C 进入房间。灯光很暗,但在一个中心位置,黑色的大装置威风凛凛,给人不祥的预感。她爬进去,弯下腰,等待着。你可以看出她的身体正在沸腾着一种胆怯而又高潮的期待。
Dominika C enters the room. The lights are low, but in one central spot, the big black contraption sits powerful and foreboding. She climbs in, bends over, and waits. You can tell that her body is seething with a kind of timorous, yet orgasmic, expectation.
Her masseuse enters. She is wearing a baroque mask, and her hands are patterned with mystical henna designs. Gently she begins to stroke and tease Dominika's wide open pussy. The energy in the room is palpably thick and moist.
Soon, her pussy is pounding and pulsing. Expert hands probe and plunge. She heaves and moans with an ecstasy that reaches to the stars. With each wild touch, her body is changed forever.
The vault is filled with oil and love. The scent of a woman's deep secrets is everywhere. You are invited. But you must bring everything you have.
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