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成功是虚幻的。它触及的人很少,如果有成功的秘诀,那一定是准备。 如果你想通过考试,你必须学习。安娜的雄心壮志是成为一名魅力模特,在她第一次拍摄之前,她翻遍了她能找到的每一本杂志。她不需要学习如何摆出最佳姿势:她把所有的动作都牢记在心。 安娜是一个天生的金发女郎,天生外向,是一个真正的暴露狂,喜欢模特从摄影师、造型师和团队那里得到的所有关注,他们的一举一动都在等待。她很有天赋,并为自己惊人的身材和戏剧性感到自豪,因为她摆出从杂志上拍下的姿势,弯曲成新的形状,并制作了自己的姿势。 Anna 与河岸上的两个裸体女孩 Maja 的系列是 Hegre.com 背面目录中最受欢迎的系列之一。
Success is illusive. It touches few people and, if there is a secret to success, it must be preparation.
If you want to pass your exams you have to study. Anna's driving ambition is to be a glamour model and, before she arrived for her first session shoot, she thumbed her way through every magazine she could find. She didn't need to be instructed on the best poses: she had the entire repertoire committed to memory.
Anna is a natural blonde, naturally outgoing, a real exhibitionist who enjoys all the attention models get from the photographer, the stylist, the team who wait on their every move. She is gifted and proud of her astonishing figure and theatrical as she strikes poses that she has taken from the magazines, bent into new shapes, and made her own.
Anna's series with Maja, two naked girls on the riverbank, is one of the most popular in the back catalogue at Hegre.com.
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