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找到脱光衣服的勇气。 在她出生的小镇上,这种事是见不得人的。好女孩不会这样。他们可能想要,但他们没有。这个女孩不一样,她想裸体。所以这正是她所做的。 认识 23 岁的俄罗斯人 Adriana。这不仅是她第一次在镜头前脱光衣服,也是她第一次与另一个女孩亲密或在任何人面前抚摸自己。这需要勇气(大多数人甚至害怕在陌生人面前说话)。 Adriana 最初来自该国的最北部,现在居住在俄罗斯第二大城市圣彼得堡。虽然不是在一个性自由的家庭长大,但她感受到了她体内女性能量的力量。所以她可能是害羞沉默的邻家女孩类型,但探索性欲的冲动实在是太强烈了。 作为裸体模特工作是巨大的性挑战,也是 Adriana 自我实现的巨大飞跃。但她在和我们一起度过的几个小时里发现了更多关于她自己的东西,这比她读了二十本自助书还要多。 尽管她经验不足,但她还是带着两张通红的脸颊和和俄罗斯一样灿烂的笑容离开了。
Finding the courage to strip naked.
In the small town where she comes from, this kind of thing is frowned upon. Good girls don’t do this. They may want to, but they don’t. This girl is different, she wanted to pose naked. So that’s exactly what she did.
Meet 23-year-old Russian, Adriana. Not only is this the first time she’s stripped off on camera, it was also the first time she’d ever been intimate with another girl or touched herself in front of anyone at all. That takes courage (most people are scared of even speaking in front of strangers).
Originally from the far north of the country, Adriana now lives in Russia’s second largest city, Saint Petersburg. While not brought up in a sexually liberal home, she felt the power of the feminine energy within her. So she may be the shy and silent girl-next-door type, but the urge to explore her sexuality was simply too strong.
Working as a nude model was huge sexual challenge and a giant leap in self-realisation for Adriana. But she discovered more about herself in the few hours she spent with us, than if she’d read twenty self-help books.
And despite her inexperience, she left with two red cheeks, and a smile as wide as Russia itself.
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