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生まれた場所から数マイルしか離れていない人もいます。それはこの女の子には当てはまりません。 Cindy は好奇心旺盛で情熱的な心を持っており、世界を発見するのに最適です。
わずか 18 歳のこの探検家志望者は、オランダ人の先祖 (未知の世界に最初に船を出したヨーロッパ人の一部) に倣います。彼女の残りの人生がまだ彼女の前にあるので、シンディは彼女について純粋さと無邪気さを持っています.しかし、彼女はまだ人生のスリングや矢にナイーブかもしれませんが、すでに賢明な人生の選択をしています.
Cindy は若々しい喜びと楽観主義の塊です。彼女を輝かせるのは、この前向きなエネルギーです。
Some people never venture more than a few miles from where they’re born. That’s not the case with this girl. Cindy has a curious mind and a passionate heart, both perfect for discovering the world.
Just 18-years-old, this wannabe explorer takes after her Dutch ancestors (who were some of the first Europeans to set sail into the unknown). With the rest of her life still in front of her, Cindy has a purity and innocence about her. But while she might still be naïve to the slings and arrows of life, she’s already making smart life choices.
Naturally beautiful, Cindy needs no expensive outfits or cosmetics to make her look good. She’s perfect just as she is. And this is a girl who does not need high heels. At 176cms, she stands as tall as the average British or American man.
With an artistic eye, she’s currently studying design and communication at university. She believes that good design makes life both look better and work better.
Cindy is bundle of youthful joy and optimism. And it’s this positive energy that makes her shine.