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当伊丽莎白到达巴黎时,她愿意满足拍摄照片的所有要求,但前提是她看过埃菲尔铁塔。 Hegre.com 已经支付了她的旅行费用。顶级摄影需要时间,而时间就是金钱。当伊丽莎白得知观光不在议程上或合同中时,她的下嘴唇掉了下来。这一瞬间的噘嘴本身就是一幅画,黑格雷先生屈服于压力。 这是 18 岁的她第一次从波兰出国旅行,在造型师的带领下,Petter 带她在导游的带领下游览了这座光之城。这是一个明智的决定。伊丽莎白整天都在微笑,那笑容很有感染力。在整个拍摄过程中,她年轻的激情在每一个镜头中都明亮而清晰。 她不锻炼也不参加运动,但跳舞,她在酒吧裸体在巴黎舞蹈工作室的系列,但她的及膝袜令人赏心悦目。
When Elisabeth arrived in Paris she was willing to comply with all the demands for the photo-shoot, but only after she had seen the Eiffel Tower.
Hegre.com had paid for her trip. Top level photography needs time and time is money. Elisabeth's bottom lip dropped when she learned that sightseeing wasn't on the agenda - or in the contract. This momentary pout was a picture in itself and Monsieur Hegre submitted to the pressure.
It was the 18 year olds first foreign journey from Poland and with his stylists in tow, Petter took her on a guided tour through the City of Light. It was a wise decision. Elisabeth smiled all day and that smile is infectious. Throughout the shoot her youthful passion beams out bright and clear in every shot.
She doesn't work out or play sports, but dances, and her series in a Paris dance studio at the bar naked but for her knee socks is a joy to behold.
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