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Elly 活生生地证明了建模并不总是有趣和游戏。 作为一名经验丰富的 T 台表演者,Elly 在米兰和巴黎以外的地方做了很多年的工作,直到一天深夜在开普敦撞上 Petter。 Elly 以前从未拍过裸照,而且总是被新体验所吸引,因此很快同意拍摄照片。 感觉到这个女人身上有些特别的东西,皮特为艾莉计划了一些真正特别的东西。皮特乘坐一架颠簸的八座螺旋桨飞机飞入津巴布韦的丛林,一只手拿着一台哈苏相机,另一只手拿着一台 44 Magnum,以保护自己和艾莉免受附近游荡的豹子和狮子的袭击。这对所有人来说都是一次难忘的会议。 Elly 在整个拍摄过程中都像她的士兵一样进行,并在一天结束时带着如释重负的叹息和脸上的笑容离开了。
Elly is living proof that modeling is not always fun and games.
AN EXPERIENCED catwalk performer, Elly did extensive work out of Milan and Paris for years before running across Petter in Cape Town late one evening. Having never before done nudes, and always attracted to new experiences, Elly quickly agreed to a photo shoot.
Sensing a little something extra in this particular woman, Petter planned something truly special for Elly. Flying into the bush of Zimbabwe in a bumpy eight seat prop plane, Petter armed himself with a Hasselblad in one hand and a 44 Magnum in the other to protect Elly and himself from the Leopards and Lions that were roaming nearby. It was a memorable session for all.
Elly carried on throughout the shoot like the trooper she is and walked away at the end of the day with sigh of relief and a smile on her face.
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