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一天深夜,Petter 在弗洛里亚诺波利斯市中心的购物中心闲逛时,完全偶然地遇到了 Gislane。 幸运的是,命运让两人走到了一起。她长而浓密的卷发与她令人难以置信的身材和活泼的态度完美相得益彰。在空闲时间,她喜欢跳舞,并希望有一天能在迈阿密海滩沐浴阳光。 与 Petter 一起工作是 Gislane 第一次拍摄裸照,但她像专业人士一样接受了这项任务,轻松地忍受了超过 16 个小时的拍摄;那只是第一天!人们常说巴西是一片多元化的土地,而 Gislane 无疑证明了这一点,尽管她缺乏经验,但她能够打造出各种各样的造型。 对 Petter 来说,巴西离家很远,但当他与 Gislane 相遇时,这次旅行立即变得值得。
Petter met Gislane by complete chance while strolling around the mall in downtown Florianopolis late one evening.
IT’S LUCKY for us that fate brought the two together. Her long thick curly hair is the perfect complement to her incredible body and lively attitude. In her downtime she enjoys dancing and hopes to one day find herself on the shores of Miami Beach soaking in the sun.
Working with Petter was the first time Gislane had ever posed nude but she took to the task like a pro, readily enduring over sixteen hours of shooting; and that was just the first day! It is often said that Brazil is a land of diversity and Gislane certainly proves this to be true given the wide range of looks she was able to pull off despite her inexperience.
Brazil is a long way from home for Petter, but the trip was instantly worth it when he crossed paths with Gislane.
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