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当我们见到格洛丽亚时,我们马上就知道她是为裸体模特界而生的。 她在她的祖国乌克兰的选美比赛中取得了成功,她正在继续前进。她有极好的腿和结实的小屁股。她确切地知道如何炫耀他们。 那些又长又长的腿会让她走得很远。我们相信您会想跟在她身后。 Gloria 喜欢生活中更美好的事物。跑车、珠宝和高端时装。她的目标是蒙特卡洛生活方式。她竭尽全力取悦 - 并为她的卓越资产赢得回报。 无论是在镜头前还是放松,格洛丽亚都无所不能。
When we met Gloria we knew right away that she is made for the world of nude modelling.
She is moving on from her successes with beauty contests in her native Ukraine. She has the superb legs and a firm petite ass. And she knows exactly how to show them off.
Those long, long legs will take her far. We're sure you'll want to follow behind her.
Gloria loves the finer finer things in life. Fast cars, jewellery and high-end fashion. She is aiming for the Monte Carlo lifestyle. She is all-out to please - and to win the rewards for her terrific assets.
Nothing is off-limits for Gloria whether she is on-camera or relaxing.
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