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Marcelina 相信你就是你吃的东西。她是素食主义的坚定拥护者,并遵循严格的水果饮食。无论她吃什么,结果都是惊人的。她很苗条,几乎没有脂肪。 但马塞丽娜也喜欢参加派对。自从她访问了世界派对之都伊维萨岛后,她就爱上了这个地方。拥有世界上最大的俱乐部和最好的 DJ,这是终极享乐主义的生活方式。所以她自学了如何混音唱片,现在每年夏天都在那里演奏。 但这位 25 岁的波兰人有一个更大的梦想:以演员和模特的身份在洛杉矶大放异彩。毫无疑问,凭借她惊人的身材、古典的五官和严格的饮食制度,她会很好地适应那里。虽然许多年轻女性只梦想在洛杉矶大展拳脚,但玛塞琳娜却能实现这一目标,因为她了解自己的想法。 她不处理灰色阴影;它是黑色的还是白色的,对她来说是全有还是全无。对某些人来说,她可能看起来痴迷和疯狂,但这种一心一意的生活态度正是你克服困难所需要的。
Marcelina believes you are what you eat. She is a strong advocate of veganism and follows a strict fruitarian diet. Whatever she’s eating, the results are simply spectacular. She’s lean and virtually fat-free.
But Marcelina likes to party, too. Ever since she visited Ibiza, the party capital of the world, she fell in love with the place. With the world’s biggest clubs and the best DJs, it’s the ultimate hedonistic lifestyle. So she taught herself how to mix records and now plays there every summer.
But the Polish 25 year old has a bigger dream: to make it big in Los Angeles as an actress and model. There is no doubt with her stunning body, classical features and strict dietary regime she will fit in well there. And while many young women only dream of making big in LA, Marcelina can make it happen because she knows her own mind.
She does not deal in shades of grey; it’s black or white, it’s all or nothing with her. To some she might seem obsessed and crazy, but this single-minded attitude to life is just what you need to make it against the odds.
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