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梦娜 轮廓

姓名: 梦娜
国家: 捷克共和国
出生: June, 1987
职业: 学生


Perfect Muse

年仅 18 岁的莫娜似乎对如何勾引镜头了如指掌。 她的眼睛里有那种“神情”,如果你不明白我的意思,我想那是无法用语言表达的。她的黑发与她眼中的神秘气质完美匹配,她喜欢四处张望,就像一只四处觅食的猫。 佩特在布拉格追上了莫娜,并立即在镜头前欣赏了她的才华。就像和朋友在一起一样自在,莫娜给佩特留下了特别好的印象。用他自己的话说,她“自然、健康、美丽”。 我认为您不会发现我们对这份声明有任何抱怨。

At only 18 years old Mona seems to know everything there is to know about seducing the camera.

SHE HAS that “look” in her eyes and if you don’t know what I mean by that I think it would be impossible to put into words. Her dark hair is a perfect match for the mysterious quality in her eyes and she has the tendency of looking around the room like a cat on the prowl.

Petter caught up with Mona in Prague and instantly appreciated her talents in front of the camera. Just as at ease alone as she is with her friend, Mona made a particularly good impression on Petter. In his own words she is “natural, healthy, and beautiful.”

I don’t think you’ll find any complaints about that statement coming from us.

Mona 和 Yanka 对称性 August 20th, 2005


Dialogue on Mona
马克-蒙娜 (Mark-Mona) 的造型既有无法相信自己裸体的纯洁少女,也有深知裸体会让男人疯狂的妖精。一个压倒性的组合。 “床上的莫娜”是另一个精彩的系列,也是我的最爱。
Mark-Mona's look has both the virginal young girl who cannot believe she is showing herself nude and the temptress who knows full well she is driving men wild with her nudity. An overpowering combination. "Mona in bed" is another fantastic series and my favorite.
Dialogue on Mona
Roger-Mona 在这组照片中看起来太棒了。她有那种害羞、天真的样子,但你可以看到她通过这些裸体获得了对自己的信心。她对自己成长为一个美丽的女人感到很自在。
Roger-Mona looks so amazing in this set. She has that shy, innocent look but you can see her gaining confidence in herself with these nudes. She is comfortable with herself in growing into a beautiful woman.
Mark, I am a Mona fan, so any photo with Mona in it I love. Mona is a most natural nude. There is in all her pictures the exquisite eroticism of the newly nude young girl! Love it and love her look. Lets start a dialogue on Mona!
Mona and Yanka
What a great set of nudes! The ladies both look so beautiful nude with their high heels on. I think it is important that they both were kept in high heels as it keeps with the theme of symmetry that the ladies have in their poses. As you know, I love the naked ladies in heels, especially a killer pair of pumps!
莫娜 (Mona) 凭借她杀手般的外表在这部迷人的剧集中抢尽风头。如此自然而全裸地看着她是多么令人愉快。这个系列的一个奇妙的好处当然是三眼偷看莫娜的屁眼,这是最罕见和奇妙的景象!我欢迎蒙娜丽莎的粉丝们开始关于她的聪明对话……我不能是唯一一个看这些照片的人!
Mona with her killer look steals the show in this charming series. How pleasant it is to look on her so naturally and totally nude. A fantastic bonus of this series of course is three peeks at Mona's asshole, a most rare and wondrous sight! I welcome fellow Mona fans to start an intelligent dialogue about her...I can't be the only one looking at these photos!
So very, very nice !!
the two of them together ... way too much for one man to bear
梦娜窗灯 August 9th, 2005


A Thank You to Mona
只是写信感谢蒙娜 (Mona) 摆出裸体姿势。也谢谢你展现你裸臀的美。非常喜欢它!谢谢你亲爱的!你是迄今为止我最喜欢的裸体模特。
Just writing to thank you Mona for posing nude. Also thank you for showing the beauty of you bare bottom. Love it so much! Thank you dear! You are by far my favorite nude model of all time.
Great butt shot series!
Mona's Pussy Lips
照片 #9 是一张可爱的全裸照片,Mona 抬起她的左腿,完美地展示了她的阴唇。我可以整天盯着那些嘴唇。真是个女孩。真漂亮。
Photo #9 is a lovely shot of fully naked Mona raising her left leg with an excellent showing of her pussy lips. I could stare at those lips all day. What a girl. What a beauty.
莫娜 (Mona) 在这个简单而令人愉快的系列中展示了她 18 岁时的全裸。莫娜屁股镜头的优秀系列。她像个好女孩一样脱下内裤,自豪地展示她可爱的圆面包和饱满的屁股!纯粹的裸体美女!
Mona shows her fully nude 18 year old all in this simple delightful series. Excellent series for butt shots of Mona. She has taken off her panties like a good girl, and proudly shows her delectable round buns and full ass-crack! Pure nude beauty!
莫娜在这些照片中闷闷不乐,让人想起 50 年代好莱坞女演员的样子和最微妙的灌木丛,非常性感,很惊讶这里没有更多积极的评论。
Mona smoulders away in these pictures reminiscent of a 50's hollyood actress look and the most subtle bush, very sexy, surprised there arent more positive comments here.
wow, what a beautiful Girl. Greetings for Jesus to send us this Angel down to Earth. Thanks, God.
莫娜在床上 July 22nd, 2005


马克,我很高兴听到您对“Mona 洗澡”Muriel“光滑的屁股”和 Muriel“椭圆交叉训练器视频”的评论谢谢!
Mark, I would be happy to hear your comments on "Mona taking a bath" Muriel "Glossy Ass" and Muriel "Elliptical Cross Trainer Video" Thank you!
Your welcome Roger.
Thank you Mark for indulging me about my favorite model.
Roger: I could not agree more. The full nude is the most beautiful. It is the purest and most honest. The best way to appreciate the beauty of a woman is to appreciate it while she is totally nude. I also love the beauty of a great round butt with bubble-butt cheeks. I love a woman with great curves. There certainly is an erotic excitement to seeing Mona's butthole. It has that air of forbiddenness but is also part of what makes her beautiful. Good thoughts.
The Search for Mona's Butthole
马克:对我来说,裸体艺术的部分满足感是看到女孩完全裸体。当然,我希望每个女孩都能对自己的表现感到满意,但希望她能在自己的时间里表现出一切。我一直对漂亮女孩屁股的美丽感到敬畏:柔软的圆面包、臀部裂缝的拱形线条,以及作为最后的奖励,她们紧致的小屁眼和紧致的小线条之美。在 Hegre 上发现她之前,我在另外两个网站上见过 Mona,但在这两个网站上她都没有露出屁眼。通常哦,如此诱人和令人沮丧地接近,但可惜不在那里。然后我在 Hegre 上发现了她。看到她的表演真是令人欣慰,终于,终于,她最后一点美丽!我清楚地记得那一天。就好像展示她的屁眼,这是美的最后禁区,裸体模特正在放下最后的压抑,屈从于男人的欲望。这也许就是为什么我喜欢在女孩展示它时看到它的部分原因,而我最喜欢的蒙娜(Mona)确实非同寻常。正如你所说,她不仅在照片 #34 中展示了她的屁眼,而且它还令人愉快地“开放”。多么美丽!终于解脱了!
Mark: for me part of the satisfaction of nude art is to see the girl totally nude. I want every girl, of course, to be comfortable in what she shows, yet hope that she will, in her own time, show all. I have always been in awe of the beauty of beautiful girls butts: the soft round buns, the arched line of the butt crack and, as a last reward, the beauty of their tight little assholes with their tight little lines. I had seen Mona on two other sites before discovering her on Hegre, but on neither had she shown her butthole. Often oh so tantalizingly and frustratingly close, but alas not there. Then I discovered her on Hegre. What a relief to see her show, finally and at long last, her last bit of beauty! I well remember that day. It is as if showing her asshole, the last forbidden area of beauty, a nude model is dropping her last inhibition and submitting to a man's desires. That is perhaps part of why I love to see it when a girl shows it, and with Mona, my favorite, it really was extraordinary. And as you said, not only does she show her butthole in photo #34 but it is also delightfully "open." What beauty! What a relief!
Roger: Mona's youth and innocence are attributes that make her so appealing. The thought of her first modeling experience being a nude one gives one the sense that she wanted to present herself in the most beautiful and honest way and realising that she has the confidence to present herself nude. She is now a young woman and it is beautiful to be nude.
Mark I 对 Luba“Ultimate Female”传播发表了评论。很棒的选择!莫娜让我疯狂。我受够了她。很多是她令人难以置信的美丽,还有一些是她只有 18 岁。当一个无辜的处女女孩脱掉她的衣服摆姿势时,我喜欢它。莫娜总是给我那种感觉。部分原因是她——这个年仅 18 岁的女孩——自愿决定拍裸照。真是奇迹!
Mark I left a comment on the Luba "Ultimate Female" spread. Excellent choice! Mona drives me wild. I cannot get enough of her. A lot is her incredible beauty, and some is that she is only 18 years old. I love it when an innocent virginal girl takes off her clothes and poses. Mona always gives me that feeling. Part of the turn on is the fact that she---this only 18 year old girl--willingly decided to pose nude. Indeed a miracle!
Comments by Roger re: Photo #34
罗杰:我支持这个观点。女性裸体是世界上最值得欣赏的美丽事物。这就像在看一件精美的艺术品。我喜欢像 Hegre 这样欣赏和展示这种美的网站。我欢迎以后就最喜欢的照片集和视频进行对话。例如,“终极女性”中的 Luba 对我来说是完美的女性裸体。我太喜欢了!它完美地展现了女性裸体的惊人之美,Luba 只穿着一双性感的黑色细高跟鞋。我喜欢穿着一双大高跟鞋展示裸体女人。没有什么比裸体女人更性感和完美的赞美了。他们把她放在一个基座上,拉长他们的腿,让他们的屁股看起来很棒,并将它们作为艺术品精彩地展示出来。
Roger: I second that notion. The female nude is the most beautiful thing in the world to admire. It is like looking at a fine work of art. I enjoy websites such as Hegre that appreciate and display that beauty. I would welcome future dialog on favorite photo sets and videos. For instance, Luba in the "Ultimate Female" is the perfect female nude to me. I love it so! It perfectly exhibits that amazing beauty of the female nude with Luba exhibited wearing only a pair of sexy black stiletto pumps. I love when a nude woman is exhibited in a pair of great pumps. There is nothing sexier and the perfect compliment for a nude woman. They put her on a pedestal, elongate their legs, make their butt look amazing and wonderfully display them as the work of art that they are.
Comments by Roger re: Photo #34
Roger: Well put and thoughtful comments on Mona. She is lovely and this shot is a terrific capture of a great aspect of her beauty. It is a vulnerable yet erotic and beautiful shot of her great butt and open butthole. It definitely gives you the thoughts of how she is in a position of letting a man enter her from behind. Eroticism at its best.
Thanks Mark. I love the female nude. My upbringing was repressed, so I have fought my nature, unnecessarily bringing shame onto myself for what I enjoy. Mona is by far my favorite. I love innocent young firm nude girls. Good girls like Mona. Not "professional jaded" porn stars. I definitely do not like rude commenters. So it is comforting to meet with a fellow well-spoken thoughtful admirer of the female nude. It makes me feel that I am OK. I would welcome keeping the dialogue going. Thanks again.
该系列中的第 34 张照片是莫娜裸体摄影艺术的巅峰之作。这是她作品中一个重要且必要的突破,因为尽管 Mona 拥有非常丰富的作品集来展示她的裸体美,但只有四张照片我们可以看到她的屁眼,很少有照片显示她的小阴唇.这两个缺陷都在这个绝对出色的形象中得到了充分的弥补。在其中,她采取了最色情的姿势:跪下,低着头,翘起臀部,充分展示她美丽的屁眼和阴唇,以供我们观赏。事实上,莫娜之前在镜头前的害羞让我们最终以这种方式看到她时更加高兴和宽慰。此外,正如这张照片在视觉上的独特之处一样,它的独特之处还在于她做了她在任何其他照片中从未做过的事情:莫娜采取性姿势。因此,这张照片捕捉到了一个年轻女孩第一次决定让男人享受她的花朵带来的欢乐时极度色情的神奇时刻。我们见证了我们美丽的只有 18 岁的莫娜的那一刻,她的脸上是恐惧、害羞和渴望的不可抗拒的结合,最终决定表现出准备好接受阴茎进入她体内的状态,而且,更神奇的是,从后面的阴茎。令人难以置信的色情! Bravo Petter,特别是 Brava Mona!非常感谢你们俩。
Photo 34 in this series is the pinnacle of the nude photographic art of Mona. It is an essential and necessary breakthrough in her body of work, for although Mona has an extraordinary rich portfolio in which she displays her nude beauty, there are only four photos in which we can see her asshole and few in which her labia minora are revealed. Both deficiencies are abundantly made up for in this absolutely outstanding image. In it she assumes the position of maximal eroticism: on her knees with her head down and butt arched up, offering fully her beautiful asshole and labia for our viewing pleasure. Indeed, Mona's previous shyness before the camera intensifies our joy and relief in finally seeing her in this way. Furthermore, just as this image is unique in what is revealed visually, it is also unique in that she does what she has never done in any other photo: Mona assumes a sexual position. And so, this photo captures that magical moment of extreme eroticism when a young girl decides for the first time to permit a man the joys of her flower. We witness the moment when our beautiful only eighteen year old Mona, her face an irresistable combination of apprehension, shyness and wanting, finally decides to show herself in a position of readiness for accepting the entry of a penis inside her, and, even more magical, a penis from behind. Incredible eroticism! Bravo Petter and specially, Brava Mona! And many many thanks to you both.
Response to Big Yes for Mona
Carne,你对 Mona 的眉毛的看法绝对是正确的。他们封装了她的闷热。显然我是这个女孩的超级粉丝,能看到她的裸体真是太幸运了! (谢谢 Mona!) Carne,感谢您的评论!很乐意与您和其他成员就她展开对话!如果您有任何喜欢的作品,请随时告诉我,我会回报。
Carne, you are definitely right about Mona's eyebrows. They encapsulate her sultriness. Obviously I am a big big fan of this girl and feel so fortunate I get to see her nude! (Thank you Mona!) Carne, Thanks for the comments! Would love to start a dialogue about her with you and other members! If you have any favorite feel free to let me know and I will reciprocate.
Big Yes for Mona
What I love most about Mona are her eyebrows. They're the most definite feature I can point to that makes me think of her as an innocent Betty Page-in-training with a modern twist.
Mona Photo #34
这个姿势是一种屈服的行为。美丽的 18 岁莫娜 (Mona) 将她裸露的臀部向上拱起,像一个听话的好女孩一样张开双腿,终于克服了她与生俱来的处女害羞,并提供她的肛门和阴户供我们享受。不仅仅是侧视,还有她丰满的屁眼,现在都展示给我们看。没有回头路了:她已经越过了这条线。她的阴户也是,因为在这张照片中,她终于让她如此美丽且经常出现的大阴唇被拍到张开,以展示她的小阴唇。终于,她以这个姿势,让自己被男人操了。她美丽的脸庞揭示了莫娜的两个品质,使她如此令人难以置信的色情:年轻女孩害羞和害怕展示一切,以及性感的意识和想要让我们疯狂。 Bravo Hegre 和莫娜!
This pose is an act of submission. Arching her bare-naked butt up into the air and spreading her legs like a good obedient girl, beautiful 18 year old Mona at long last overcomes her innate virginal shyness and offers up her asshole and pussy for our enjoyment. Not just a sideways glance, but her full asshole, now all displayed for us to see. There can be no going back: she has crossed this line. Her pussy too, for in this shot she has allowed her so beautiful and oft-seen labia majora to be photographed open at last to show her labia minora. She has, with this pose, at long last, offered herself up to be fucked by men. Her beautiful face reveals the two qualities of Mona that make her so incredibly erotic: young girl shyness and apprehension at showing all, and sultry awareness and wanting to drive us wild. Bravo Hegre and Mona!
Hey Mona fans out there! Let's start an (intelligent) dialogue about her...! What is it that makes her so special?
看到莫娜在她的所有系列中完全裸体当然很高兴,我们美丽的小女孩噘嘴但顺从地为我们脱掉她衣服的每一针,但一直令人沮丧和不完整的是她从未展示过她的肛门。 .直到这个系列! (照片 #34) 完美:她的背部拱起,露出完美的圆形裸体包子,她的双腿分开,露出她可爱的阴道嘴唇,最后,她精致可爱紧致的肛门!在这张照片中也要欣赏她的脸:莫娜的特殊组合:犹豫不决的年轻女孩害怕向男人展示她的一切,但同时又很高兴并想展示她让我们疯狂的所有和性感的知识。
Certainly there is joy in seeing Mona in all her series totally nude, our beautiful young girl poutingly yet obediently removing every stitch of her clothing for us, but what has always been a frustration and incomplete has been that she has never shown her anus...until this series! (photo #34) It is perfection: her back arched to raise her perfect round nude buns, her legs spread apart to reveal her lovely vaginal lips, and, finally, her delicate lovely tight anus! Admire too her face during this shot: the particular combination of Mona: tentative young girl apprehensive at showing her all to men, yet at the same time a joy and wanting to show all and sultry knowingness that she is driving us wild.
作为忠实的 Mona 鉴赏家,以及追踪 Mona 众多系列的人,我必须由衷地为这一系列照片鼓掌,尤其是照片 #34。 Mona将少女天真与性感知性的完美结合无人能敌,但一直欠缺的姿势就是像#34这样的翘起背,将可爱的美臀尽收眼底!感谢并感谢 Hegre 先生和 Mona 拍摄了这张照片! PS 随时以这种方式发布更多内容!欢迎其他莫娜粉丝发表评论!
As a devoted Mona connisseur, and one who has tracked Mona's many series, I must heartily applaud this photo series, and in particular photo #34. Mona's exquisite combination of young girl innocence wed with sexy knowing allure is unmatched, but what has always been lacking has been a pose such as #34 with her back arched up to show her lovely backside fully! Kudos and thanks to Mr. Hegre and Mona for this shot! P.S. Feel free to post more in this vein! Comments from other Mona fans welcome!
Mona is the best! Such sultriness. Love this photospread! Show more of her!
请 - 更多这个美妙的女孩!
Please - more of this wonderful girl!!
莫娜和扬卡在床上 July 16th, 2005


Mona's Butt
照片22是绝对的杀手! Love Mona'a 在向我们展示她裸露的屁股时露出“你不想要我吗”的表情!
Photo 22 is an absolute killer! Love Mona'a over the shoulder "don't you want me" look as she shows us her bare butt!
Mona & Yanka
you are together very sensual.....soon with some tenderness it could be gorgeous
These girls both have the hottest shaven cameltoe pussies ever! Gorgeous
for the very best in bed and btw who needs covers !!!!!!!