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维多利亚有点神秘。 作为土生土长的基辅寒冷冬日的风景,她积极快乐的性格与她周围庞大而霸道的城市形成鲜明对比。她的身体属性同样神秘迷人,一头乌黑的头发与雪白的皮肤相得益彰,眼睛直刺男人的心。 作为时装模特和训练有素的舞者,Viktoria 对努力工作和挑战自己的极限并不陌生。在业余时间,她喜欢在当地剧院走走,觉得模特是表演和舞蹈的自然结合。作为“巴黎时尚”的爱好者,Viktoria 认为丝巾是完美的配饰。 当可爱的Viktoria穿着时,我们倾向于同意。
Viktoria represents a bit of a mystery.
AS A native to the cold wintry landscape of Kyiv, her positive and happy disposition is a stark contrast to the sprawling and domineering city that surrounds her. Her physical attributes are no less mysterious and alluring with a full head of raven black hair balanced by snow white skin and eyes that pierce straight to a mans heart.
Both a fashion model and a trained dancer, Viktoria is no stranger to working hard and pushing her limits. In her spare time she enjoys walking the boards of a local theater and feels modeling is a natural blend of both acting and dancing. A lover of “Paris Fashion” as she puts it, Viktoria believes a silk scarf is the perfect accessory.
When worn by the lovely Viktoria, we are inclined to agree.
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