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从前,京都住着一位美丽的少女。她知道自己很有才华和魅力,但她感到无聊和焦躁不安。 不再。 Chiaki 大胆进入裸体造型以改变她的生活,并发现她喜欢它。事实上,她非常喜欢它,以至于在一开始有点害羞之后,当她的一位联合主演向她展示如何放松并顺其自然时,她无法阻止自己完全被带走。 Chiaki 曾认真考虑成为一名艺妓,并准备接受这一传统职业的长期培训。当她还是“邻家女孩”时,它很适合她。但是千秋正在快速成长。在她看来,她的新职业以其特有的方式成为 21 世纪取悦他人的方式。这对她来说也是一次冒险。千秋,你从京都远道而来。
Once there was a beautiful young girl who lived in Kyoto. She knew she was talented and attractive but she was bored and restless.
Not any more. Chiaki made the bold move into nude modelling to change her life and found that she loves it. In fact she loves it so much that, after being just a little bit shy at first, she couldn't stop herself being completely carried away when one of her co-stars showed her how to relax and let nature take its course.
At one time Chiaki seriously considered becoming a geisha and was ready to take on the long training for this traditional occupation. When she was still the “girl next door” it would have suited her well. But Chiaki is growing up fast. As she sees it, her new career is in its own way a 21st century way of pleasing. And it's an adventure for her too. You've come a long way from Kyoto, Chiaki.
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