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Fabi 拥有女孩可能想要的一切:甜美、美丽、迷人、迷人的微笑和迷人的个性。 考虑到 Fabi 缺乏所有这些资产通常激发的信心,这很奇怪。 Fabi 想要更大、更匀称的乳房(就我们而言,它们绰绰有余);她想要一张更令人难忘、更有趣的脸,而这又只是给百合花镀了金。正如阿拉伯人所说,只有真主是完美的,而法比是最接近的。 Fabi 是一位真正的巴黎女士,别致、性感、摩天大楼般的高个子,长长的、闪亮的黑发随随便便地披在肩上,笑容能融化最坚硬的心。她在大型商店和营销展览会上担任女招待,散发传单并凭借她的存在的绝对力量推销产品。 21 岁的她是裸体模特的新手,暗暗怀有成为一名歌手的野心。
Fabi has everything a girl could possibly want: sweet, beautiful, charming, with a winning smile and a magnetic personality.
WHICH IS odd considering Fabi lacks the confidence all these assets normally inspire. Fabi would like to have larger, more shapely breasts (they are more than adequate as far as we are concerned); she wants to have a more memorable, more interesting face which, again, would merely be gilding the lily. As the Arabs say, only Allah is perfect, and Fabi is as close as it gets.
Fabi is a real Parisian lady, chic, sexy, skyscraper tall with long, shiny dark hair that she flicks casually over shoulders, and a smile that would melt the hardest heart. She works as a hostess at big stores and marketing fairs, handing out flyers and promoting products with the sheer power of her presence.
At 21, she is new to nude modeling and nurtures a secret ambition to be a singer.
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