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Marjana 是来自遥远北方的女孩。来自白雪皑皑、森林和湖泊之地的西伯利亚。但她性格的温暖更像是温泉。 我们喜欢她甜美的笑容。与她那双如冰一般湛蓝的眼睛很相配。她雪白的皮肤和性感的乳房完成了这幅画。 她像一只异国情调的候鸟一样向南飞向温暖的地中海。抵达巴塞罗那是她第一次看到大海。对于这个大自然的孩子来说,一切都是新鲜和令人兴奋的。这是她第一次接触裸体模特。 她热衷于拥抱这一点,就像她热衷于享受感官上的快乐一样。让她高兴的两件事是跳舞和画画。我们知道还有更多。从现在开始,它们也将成为我们的荣幸。
Marjana is a girl from the far North. From Siberia the land of snow, forests and lakes. But the warmth of her personality is more like its hot springs.
We love her melting smile. It goes perfectly with her eyes that are as blue as ice. Her snow white skin and her voluptuous breasts complete the picture.
She has headed south like an exotic migrating bird to the warmth of the Mediterranean. Her arrival in Barcelona was the first glimpse she has ever had of the sea. Everything is new and exciting to this child of nature. This is her first experience of nude modelling.
She is as passionate about embracing this as she is about taking her sensuous pleasures. Two things that delight her are dancing and drawing. We know that there are more. And from now on they will be our pleasure too.
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