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Petra 一开始可能有点令人困惑。 年轻的年纪加上乳白的肌肤,让人觉得她是个有点胆小的女孩。然而,一旦你了解了她,你就会开始意识到事实并非如此。佩特拉有态度,当我们说的时候,我们的意思是最好的。这位 20 岁的学生内心深处有着无人能及的诱人天性。她鲜红的头发是老虎的完美象征,老虎隐藏在精致而近乎完美的身体下。 佩特拉 (Petra) 在访问布拉格时与佩特 (Petter) 一起在公寓里赤身裸体跌跌撞撞地度过了一天。细细的小腿在整个宅邸里没有留下任何未知的领域,她特意去浴缸里试水。 我想我们都应该对此表示感谢,因为它似乎确实让她那种火热的态度冷却了足够长的时间,让她拍了一些漂亮的照片。
Petra can be a bit confusing at first.
HER YOUNG age and milky white skin would have you believe she is a bit of a timid girl. However, once you get to know her you begin to realize there is nothing further from the truth. Petra has attitude, and when we say that we mean it in the best possible way. This 20 year old student has deep within her a seductive nature that few could match. Her bright red hair is a perfect symbol for the tiger that hides underneath a delicate and nearly flawless body.
Petra spent the day with Petter stumbling around naked in the apartment while he was visiting Prague. Her skinny little legs left no uncharted territory in the entire residence and she made it a point to test the waters out in the bath tub.
I think we can all be thankful for that as it did seem to cool down that fiery attitude of hers long enough to get in some gorgeous shots.
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