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有些人精力充沛,似乎无所不能。 事实上,问一个忙碌的人是否有时间做某事,他们会找到时间。 Samosa 就是其中之一,一个身材瘦小的女孩,她以舞蹈演员为生,兼职做模特,因为她最喜欢的就是裸体,她正在为儿童剧院合写和组织演出 - 等等为此,她独自抚养着姐姐的女儿。 如果你在乌克兰很穷,生活会很艰难,Samosa 希望尽可能给这个小女孩最好的开始。看着萨摩萨,很难相信她一直在工作,眼白是最纯的白色,但神情中却透着一丝神秘;她拥有丰满、完美的乳房和天使般的金色长发。 有些女孩拥有这一切。 Samosa 值得她遇到的一切。
Some people have so much energy it seems that they can do anything.
IN FACT, ask a busy person if they have time to do something and they will find the time. Samosa is one of those people, a tiny, skinny girl she makes her living working as a dancer, she models part-time because she loves nothing more than posing nude, she is co-writing and organizing shows for children's theatre - and, wait for it, she is bringing up the daughter of her elder sister by herself.
Life is tough if you are poor in the Ukraine, and Samosa wants to give the little girl the best start possible. To look at Samosa it is hard to believe she is always working, the whites of her eyes are the purest white, but still they contain in their expression a hint of mystery; she has full, perfect breasts and the long golden hair of an angel.
Some girls have it all. Samosa deserves everything that comes her way.
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