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愚蠢的头脑想法相似;伟大的思想为自己思考。有些人像羊一样跟随其他人,但泰拉不一样;她非常独立,拒绝盲目服从命令。 年仅18岁的泰拉充满了少年的叛逆,不会自动向权威下跪。她认为我们都应该自己做决定,而不是一直被告知该做什么。 Tyra 拥有英国和塞内加尔混血血统,拥有华丽的肤色和令人难以置信的比例。这是一个将在您的记忆中长久存在的身体。她喜欢嘻哈的无政府主义歌词,喜欢滑板文化的局外人地位,喜欢四处闲逛惹麻烦。 泰拉决心开创自己的人生道路。并掌握她的命运。如果这涉及向世界伸出两根手指,那么这就是她会做的。
Idiotic minds think alike; great minds think for themselves. Some people follow everyone else like sheep, but Tyra is different; she’s fiercely independent and refuses to blindly obey orders.
Only just 18, Tyra is filled with the rebelliousness of the young and will not automatically kneel to authority. She believes we should all be making our own decisions, and not simply be told what to do all the time.
With English and Senegalese mixed heritage, Tyra has gorgeous skin tones and incredible proportions. This is a body that will live long in your memory. She loves the anarchic lyrics of hip-hop, the outsider status of skater culture and just hanging around causing trouble.
Tyra is determined to forge her own path in life. And control her destiny. And if that involves sticking two fingers up to the world, then that’s just what she’ll do.
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