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Dažreiz cilvēku nosaka viņa izskats. To noteikti var teikt par mūsu jauno modeli VI. AR VIŅAS SARKANIEM MATIEM, zaļām acīm, bālu spokainu ādu un no multfilmu pasaules paņemto ķermeni jūs nevarēsit aizraut ar viņas neparastajām iezīmēm. Rupja, bet jutekliska, sīka, bet spēcīga, VI ir ieradums tikt pamanītai, lai kur viņa dotos. Un viņa nemaz neiebilst pret uzmanību... VI ir arī talantīga māksliniece un ilustratore un, kad viņa nešokē jūs ar savu modelēšanu, viņa rada un izstrādā savu apģērbu. Kas arī šķiet diezgan šokējoši!
Sometimes a person is defined by his or her looks. This can certainly be said about our new model VI.
WITH HER RED HAIR, green eyes, pale ghostly skin and a body taken from the world of cartoons, you cannot help getting captivated by her extraordinary features. Rough but sensual, petite but powerful, VI has this habit of being noticed wherever she goes. And she does not mind the attention at all...
VI is also a talented artist and illustrator and when she doesn’t shock you with her modelling, she creates and designs her own clothing. Which happens to appear rather shocking too!
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