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她的眼睛是绿色的,充满了我们不得不问的秘密:年轻女孩的梦想是什么?他们的秘密是什么? 卓娅从乌克兰东部赶来,坐火车被卢巴拍到。在她长大的小镇上,她是一名模特,在 18 岁那年,经过五年的经验,她教其他有希望的女孩如何走秀以及如何像超模一样摆姿势。 卓娅很爱玩,最重要的是,她很聪明:她在大学学习经济学。当她获得学位后,她想搬到巴黎。
Her eyes have a green tint and are filled secrets we are forced to ask: what is it that young girls dream of; what are their secrets?
Zoya arrived from the east of Ukraine and took the train to be photographed by Luba. In her small town where she grew up, she works as a model and, at the tender age of 18, and after five years experience, she teaches other hopeful girls how to tread the catwalk and how to pose like supermodels.
Zoya is playful and on top of it all, she's smart: she's studying economics at university. When she gets her degree, she wants to move to Paris.
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