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贝丝是一名来自第聂伯罗的学生、音乐家和艺术家,第聂伯罗是乌克兰中部第聂伯河上一座历史悠久的现代城市。她赤褐色的长发在风中飘扬,很自然地让人想起现代的长发公主。 她几乎是偶然开始了模特生涯,经常可以听到她在客厅的钢琴上弹奏快乐的练习曲。或者当傍晚的太阳落在她祖母的经典公寓后面时,用画布和画笔。 甜美、安静、迷人,性格内向,但从不害怕尝试新的、有挑战性的生活体验!
Beth is a student, musician and artist from Dnipro, an historical and modern city on the Dnipro river in central Ukraine. With her long auburn hair fluttering in the wind, it’s natural to think of a modern day Rapunzel.
SHE STARTED HER MODELLING CAREER almost by accident and can often be heard playing merry études on the piano in the living room. Or with a canvas and a paintbrush when the evening sun goes down behind her grandmother’s classic apartment.
Sweet, quiet and charming, she is highly reserved, but never afraid to try out new and challenging experiences in life!
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