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Hegre.com 上的大多数模特都有一个共同点:他们想以任何方式、任何方式取得成功。 SVEBA 是个例外。她贞洁、胆小、谦逊。她恰好天生拥有你所见过的最完美、最丰满的女性身材,模特来找她,而不是她在镜头前寻找职业。 Sveba 以如此惊人的天真凝视着镜头,她第一次出现在网站上时,有大量会员要求更多,这就是我们为您带来的。拍摄时,她完全服从摄影师的要求,脸颊上淡淡的红晕,大眼睛里的天真无邪,总是让人过目不忘,浑然天成。 Sveba 确实有梦想,尽管不是为了变得富有和出名。她说,我是一个单纯的女孩,我的梦想是找到真爱。
Most of the models on Hegre.com have one thing in common: they want to succeed, any way, any how.
SVEBA IS something of an exception. She is chaste, timid and unassuming. She happens to have been born with the most perfect, full feminine figure you will ever see and modeling came to find her, more than she went out looking for a career in front of the camera.
Sveba peers into the camera lens with such startling innocence, the first time she appeared on the site there was a flood of members asking for more, and that's what we've brought you. At a shoot, she is entirely compliant with the photographer's demands, the faint blush about her cheeks and the ingenuous look in her big eyes delivering results that are always memorable and totally natural.
Sveba does have dreams, though not to be rich and famous. I am, she says, a simple girl, and my dream is to find true love.
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