Hér á Hegre.com fáum við TONN af aðdáendapósti á hverjum degi frá dýrmætum og dyggum meðlimum okkar. Hér að neðan er smá sýnishorn af þessum loforðum. Til þeirra sem sendu þær, takk! Þeim sem hugsa um að senda þær, gerðu það! Og til þeirra sem vilja bara lesa, njótið!
“Brings refinement to the web”
GQ, Italy
“The best in Naked Photography...art at its' best!”
“A huge, high quality collection of beautiful women makes for an awesome site”
The Best Porn
“The pictures are scarily intimate!”
Emily Jenkins, Salon.com
“Hegre Archives is an awesome site, probably the best softcore erotic site I have reviewed!”
“Hegre.com offers a huge collection of Petter Hegre’s finest nude photography and videos. The site is reasonably priced considering it belongs in the ranks of “luxury” porn sites.”
“Those of you looking for quality, sensuality, erotica and class have found it right here at Hegre.com and with daily updates, you will just keep getting more of what you want.”
Rabbit’s Reviews
“Excellence in erotic expression.”
Erotic Oscars, London
“Hegre.com is a site you should be sure not to miss!”
“Quite simply, HegreArt is as good as adult websites can possibly get. The hype and awards are completely justified, and those of you who like a bit of art and culture with their nude models are especially in for a treat.”
Honest Porn Reviews
“Hegre.com must be one of the leading nude art photo sites.”
Adultsite Ranking
“Hegre.com says multiple times that they're the number one ranked nude site in the world and after browsing the member's area I have no reason to believe that's untrue”
Bravo Porn Reviews
“The Art Of Seduction”
Esquire Magazine
“Petter Hegre’s images and galleries tend towards the intimate - with the voyeuristic feel of images shot in everyday scenarios as opposed to more staged sets. Beautiful stuff.”
“Norwegian photographer Petter Hegre is serious about his work”
Playboy Magazine (US)
“Those of you looking for high quality, sensuality, soft-erotica and high-class artistic photography have found it right here at Hegre.com”
Jay’s Lounge
“The user get tons of great photography and a pleasing user experience...”
Site of the day, Staff Coolstop
“Photography simply doesn't get much better than this. Extremely high quality content and daily updates. Recommended!”
“In just three years this remarkable young photographer has captivated Europe and America with his brilliant work...”
“Delightfully wholesome and sinfully sexy all in one – this site is fantastically great!”
Jack Gilbert, New Age Publications, LLC
“His skill in capturing the female body continues to be unmatched by any cameraman.”
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