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Flora 和 Zaika 很早就离开了床。但他们仍然会尽可能地靠近彼此。 阳光开始抚摸他们的身体。他们感受到海洋的温暖。对他们来说,这是一段嬉戏而宁静的时光。他们一起沉浸在感性的时刻。热带太阳的热量增加。他们对彼此的渴望也是如此。海滩上的爱抚只能将他们引向一个方向。 这是即将到来的更炎热的黎明吗?
Flora and Zaika have left their bed early. But they are still going to stay as close as they can to each other.
The sun begins to caress their bodies. They feel the warmth of the ocean over them. It is a playful and tranquil time for them. They surrender to their sensual moments together. The heat of the tropic sun grows. So do their longings for each other. Caresses on the beach can lead them in only one direction.
Is this the dawn of something more torrid to come?
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