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手饰女武士。 准备好进入热带天堂。我们令人惊叹的模特正在经历与古代女战士类似的战前仪式:用水清洗、放松并用油漆为身体做准备。 在我们对女战士的性感小致敬中,我们用古代战争油漆符号装饰我们美丽的女孩。世界上没有什么比涂在裸体女性身上的油漆更性感的了。 这部短片节奏快,充满乐趣,是一种感官享受。
Hand decorated female warriors.
Get ready to enter a tropical paradise. Our stunning models are going through a similar pre-battle ritual that ancient female warriors would have taken: water cleansing, relaxation and preparing their bodies with paint.
In our sexy little tribute to the female fighter, we decorate our gorgeous girls in ancient war paint symbols. Nothing in the world is sexier than paint applied to the naked female body.
Fast paced and packed full of fun, this short film is a treat for the senses.
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