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他们说音乐会小提琴手是天生的,而不是后天培养的,作为一名生物学学生,安东尼娜可能会同意这一点。 她沉浸在自然世界中,就像它的标志一样。她修长、紧致、苗条的身体和深色的眼睛注视着远处的地平线,她是一个完全的专业人士,完全不受影响,一个天生就是裸体模特的女孩,就像毕加索天生就是在画布上涂抹油画一样。她在各个方面都是理想的主题,既保留又意识到她的每一条曲线都象征着一种理想。 安东尼娜打算完成学业并获得学位。它适合家庭作业和模型工作,这就是问题所在,Hegre.com 有幸在基辅各地的不同地点、历史建筑、河岸以及最后的植物园中捕捉到她的身影。 好吧,你还能带生物学家去哪里?
They say concert violinists are born not made and as a biology student Antonina would probably agree with that.
SHE IS immersed in the natural world and just as much its icon. With her long, taut, slender body and dark eyes focused on distant horizons, she is the complete professional, utterly unaffected, a girl born to model nude as Picasso was born to spread oil on canvas. She is in every way the ideal subject, both reserved, yet aware that her every curve symbolizes an ideal.
Antonina intends to complete her studies and get her degree. It's fitting in homework and model work that's the problem and Hegre.com was privileged to capture her in diverse locations all over Kyiv, in historic buildings, on the river bank and, finally, in the botanical gardens.
Well, where else would you take a biologist?
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