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一个温暖的午后,Petter Hegre 和 Luba 正在基辅的主要街道上散步,这时他们看到可爱的女孩坐在一家糕点店外面。 他们都停下来,互相看了看,然后回头看着那个女孩。她留着奶油色的小胡子,棕色的大眼睛充满活力。 “黑格尔女孩?”彼得问。卢巴郑重其事地点点头,他们回到餐桌旁与她会合。 卡塔琳娜说她一直梦想成为一名模特,当他们邀请她参加第二天的试镜时,起初以为他们是在取笑她。她的梦想实现了吗?她喜欢在镜头前摆姿势,穿好衣服,穿好一半,直到她慢慢地但慢慢地脱下衣服,吃着 Petter 在她到达之前想买的另一个蛋糕,弄得一团糟。 她在大按摩浴缸里洗了个澡,既然她的模特生涯已经开始,她就决定不再吃糕点了。
Petter Hegre and Luba were taking a stroll down the main street in Kyiv one warm afternoon when they saw cute girl sitting outside a pastry shop.
THEY BOTH stopped, looked at each other, then look back at the girl. She had a moustache of white cream and big brown eyes filled with life. "A Hegre Girl?" Petter asked. Luba nodded solemnly and they went back to the table to join her.
Katarina said she had always dreamed of being a model and thought at first they were making fun of her when they invited her to attend a casting the following day. Was her dream coming true? She loved posing for the camera, fully dressed, half dressed, until slowly but slowly she removed her clothes and got all messy eating another cake Petter had thought to buy before she arrived.
She got cleaned up in the big Jacuzzi and decided to give up eating pastries now that her modeling career had begun.
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