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尺寸 0 已死。真正的女人万岁。古往今来,艺术家们都在颂扬女性形象的性感曲线。一直深受爱美女性的喜爱。今天也是如此。现在,Lynne 来满足这一需求。 这位来自捷克共和国的安静害羞的女孩体现了这种持久的理想。她乳白色的皮肤散发着大理石般的光彩。她的身材会成为一个理想的雕塑。它可以在文艺复兴时期的艺术画廊中占据一席之地。她丰满的乳房丰盈饱满,鲁本斯用他的模特们使之永垂不朽。不同之处在于,现在我们也可以描绘运动的额外维度。 我们很幸运,她不是冰冷的雕像。她是一个活生生的女人,她的美丽被相机捕捉到了。
Size 0 is dead. Long live the real woman. Through the ages artists have celebrated the sensuous curves of the feminine form. They have always appealed to those who love beauty of women. That is just as true today. Now here is Lynne to fulfil that need.
This quiet shy girl from the Czech Republic embodies this lasting ideal. Her milky skin has the glorious richness of marble about it. Her form would make an ideal sculpture. It could take pride of place in a gallery of Renaissance art. Her voluptuous breasts have the rich fullness that Rubens immortalised with his models. The difference is that now we can portray the extra dimension of movement too.
We are fortunate that she is no cold statue. She is a living vital woman who has brought her beauty to be captured by the camera.
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