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如果说 En 喜欢一件事,那就是肌肉。实际上还有很多其他的东西,其中很多都在这部电影中展示。 当汽车发出轰鸣声时,她无法抗拒近距离接触。不久之后,不仅仅是精简版的汽车。她正在全力以赴,所有的力量都在等待被释放出来。当一切都进入最高档时,En 看上了前面那个看起来很饿的家伙。 难怪他的笑容如此灿烂。
If there's one thing that En loves, it's muscle. Actually there's a whole load of other things too and many of them are on show in this movie.
When the car is throbbing she just can't resist getting up close and personal. It's not long before it isn't just the car that is a stripped down model. She is firing on all cylinders and all that power is just waiting to be unleashed flat out. And when everything is moving into top gear En takes a fancy to that hungry-looking fella at the front.
No wonder he has such such a broad smile.
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