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多么诱人的标题! 和索菲亚在床上,心情如梦似幻,所有的记忆都在无辜的梦中消失,直到明天她醒来时眼睛发亮,躺在皱巴巴的床单上,忘记了这一天。节目中有太多裸露的皮肤,摄像机不得不在她的四肢周围跳舞和扭动,以露出每一寸金色。 这部电影是在 Petter Hegre 的新工作室拍摄的,著名的巴黎灯光从楼梯间倾泻而下,营造出一种纯粹魔幻的感觉。
What a tempting title!
In Bed With Sofia in a dreamy mood with all memory lost in innocent dreams, forgetting the day until tomorrow when she awakes with shiny eyes in crumpled sheets. There is so much naked skin on show the camera has to dance and twist around her limbs to reveal every golden inch.
The film was shot in Petter Hegre's new studio with the famous Paris light flooding through between the stairs to give the scene a feeling of pure magic.
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