Hegre.com の会員料金
1 日あたり $0.21 未満です!
Hegre.com の会員料金
1 日あたり $0.21 未満です!
Hegre.com で楽しむ素晴らしい画像を実現するには、高度な照明、構図、技術的スキルが必要です。無限のエネルギーは言うまでもありません (毎日マラソンを走るのと同じように、制作作業全体が精神的および肉体的に消耗します)。この舞台裏の映像は、ヌード写真の世界を親密かつ個人的に垣間見せてくれます。
You might think it’s easy being a nude photographer. Girls strip off in front of you. You point your fancy pants camera at them. And then click, click, click. Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
To achieve the stunning imagery that you enjoy on Hegre.com, it takes advanced lighting, composition and technical skill. Not to mention boundless energy (the entire production effort is mentally and physically draining, like running a marathon every day). This behind the scenes footage will give you an intimate and personal glimpse into the world of nude photography.
But is it possible to get bored shooting the naked human form? Fortunately not. After decades of work, we still get to enjoy the fruits of his passion.