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Fabi 穿着她的缎面圣诞老人服装看起来很棒,当她脱掉它时几乎是一种遗憾。 Fabi 又长又苗条,像驯鹿一样敏捷,像银色金属丝一样闪闪发光:她的身材非常适合从烟囱里滑下来,成为完美的礼物。如果您可以在圣诞老人夫人期间将视线从屏幕上移开,您可能只会听到 Fabi 哼着赞美诗《平安夜》。 他们说今年电影院的季节性电影选择不多,所以和 Fabi 待在家里,过一个快乐的 Hegre 圣诞节吧!
Fabi looks so great in her satin Santa costume it's almost a pity when she strips it off.
Fabi is long and slender, as nimble as a reindeer, as glittery as silver tinsel: she is the perfect shape to slip down the chimney and make the perfect gift. If you can tear your eyes away from the screen during Madame Santa Claus you may just hear Fabi humming the hymn Silent Night.
They say there's a poor choice of seasonal films on at the cinemas this year, so stay home with Fabi and have a Merry Hegre Christmas!
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