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纯真与黑暗的神秘相遇 尽管男性和女性、纯洁和神秘之间存在对比,但您找不到比这更完美和谐的两个生物了。 当您想象拍摄裸体摄影时,您可能不会期望看到如此温柔的时刻。虽然 Petter Hegre 指导 Emily 和 Mike 做出一些雄心勃勃的杂技动作,但真正引人注目的是他捕捉他们人性、真实一面的能力。 虽然艾米丽 (Emily) 完全裸露的样子让人眼前一亮,但看着一只手从她的热裤上滑下来才是真正的享受。
Pure Innocence Meets Dark Mystery
Despite the contrast of male and female, of purity and mystery, you could not find two more perfectly harmonious creatures.
And when you imagine a nude photography shoot you probably don’t expect to see such tender moments. While Petter Hegre directs Emily and Mike into some ambitious acrobatic positions, it’s his ability to capture their human, authentic side that really stands out.
And while Emily completely naked is pure ecstasy for the eyes, it’s watching a hand slip down her hot pants that’s the real treat.
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