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Vika 是一位以具有冒险精神的一面而闻名的女性。 听到在葡萄牙拍摄照片时,她脑子里闪过一个想法,那就是爬上一座旧灯塔的墙壁,完全裸体,这应该不足为奇! Petter 不是那种会破坏女孩乐趣的人,她拿出相机,设法在她上升之前拍下了整部电影,她修长的身体映衬在炎热的夏日阳光下。 Vika 再次证明,有时女孩只是想玩得开心。
Vika is a woman who is well known for having an adventurous side.
It should be no surprise to hear that during a photo shoot in Portugal she got the idea in her head to scale the walls of an old light house, completely nude! Not the type of person to ruin a girl’s fun, Petter whipped out the camera and managed to capture the whole thing of film before she made her ascent, her long slender body silhouetted against the hot summer sun.
Vika has proved yet again that sometimes girls just want to have fun.
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