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Oks B 来自乌克兰第四大城市第聂伯罗,位于该国东部。她是一位勤奋的模特,经常旅行。她大胆而外向,不怕让你知道她的想法和感受。 她的雄心促使她创建自己的制作公司,并执导各种广告并管理各种拍摄。她的创造力和多才多艺也帮助她以令人羡慕的方式克服了挑战和困难。 Oks B 安静而内向,但对自己的性取向充满信心。无论走到哪里,她总是带着阳光!
Oks B is from Dnipro, Ukraine's fourth-largest city, and located in the eastern part of the country. She is a hard working model and constantly travelling. Bold and outgoing, she’s not afraid to let you know what she thinks and how she’s feeling.
HER AMBITIONS LEAD HER towards creating her own production company and to direct all kinds of commercials and to manage a variety of shoots. Her creativity and multitude of talents have also helped her overcome challenges and difficulties in an envious manner.
Quiet and reserved, Oks B is nonetheless confident in her sexuality. And she always brings the sunshine with her, wherever she goes!
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